The Examination Committee has always been an asset of the Institution. With supreme degree of dedication and commitment, the Committee has taken care of the efficient conduct of all the Internal and External Examinations of the College as per the norms of the University of Mumbai.
- To conduct the Internal, External and Practical Examinations for all the programmes offered in the College as per the University of Mumbai.
- To prepare Examination Time Table in advance and inform the students.
- To allot the exam Hall Ticket for all the examinations of the College students.
- To ensure that all the question papers are prepared well in advance.
- To collect all the answer scripts and the supporting documents required.
- To arrange for External or Internal Valuation of Exams.
- To publish the results and take necessary steps for the conduct of supplementary exams in time.
- To address the grievances/ complaints of the students and staff concerning exam-related issues
Name of Examination Committee Members are
- Asst Prof. Sona Dawra - Chairperson
- Asst Prof. Rachna Vadhiya - Member
- Asst Prof. Naisha Chainani - Member
- Asst Prof. Nimrata Kurseja - Member
Academic Year 2023-24
The Examination Committee organized Degree Convocation Ceremony on 23rd March, 2024 from 2.30pm. Dr Vivekkumar Patil, Principal of Royal College of Commrce and Science was guest for Ceremony.




Academic Year 2022-23
Degree Convocation Ceremony organized on 15th April, 2023
Academic Year 2021-22
Degree Convocation Ceremony organized on 5th February, 2022

Academic Year 2020-21
Degree Distribution Ceremony organized on 6th March, 2021
Academic Year 2019-20
Degree Distribution Ceremony organised on 14th December, 2019
Academic Year 2018 - 19
Degree Distribution Ceremony organized on 5th February, 2019

Academic Year 2017 - 18
Degree Distribution Ceremony organized on year 2018